Sophisticated onboard crash-event data recorders (EDRs) that log key vehicle dynamics information can be used to improve crash reconstruction, model occupant response, study the mechanisms of injury, and estimate occupant injury probabilities in near-real time. Such an EDR was developed and utilized as part of the Automatic Collision Notification (ACN) system for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This paper presents the results of a study in which the reconstruction of an actual crash was augmented using EDR/ACN-supplied three-dimensional acceleration and other data in a vehicle occupant model configured using the Articulated Total Body (ATB) computer code. ATB-generated occupant-motion imagery and body-region acceleration response information provided valuable insights that permitted crash-reconstruction specialists to ascertain the true nature of the collision and identify the probable cause of an injury suffered by one of the victims. The authors also posit that the use of EDR data from an ACN-type system as inputs to occupant crash-response modeling may be someday support crashvictim emergency medical treatment and triage.