2008 |
Armstrong VJ. Involvement of the Wnt/β-Catenin Signalling Pathway and the Estrogen Receptor in Bone Cells' Adaptive Responses to Mechanical Strains [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 2008. |
1995 |
Cheng MZ. The Interaction of Mechanical Strain and Sex Hormones in Bone's Adaptive Responses to Load-Bearing [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 1995. |
2000 |
Damien E. The Estrogen Receptor's Involvement in Osteoblasts' Response to Mechanical Strain [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 2000. |
2002 |
Ehrlich PJ. Dynamics of Estrogen Receptor-Α in Osteocytes: Effects of Mechanical [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 2002. |
1989 |
Goode NT. Protein Kinase “C” Activity and C-Fos Expression in Cellular Proliferation Control of a Murine Macrophage Tumour [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 1989. |
2015 |
Lamas LRGP. Musculoskeletal Biomechanics During Growth on Emu (Dromaius; Aves): An Integrative Experimental and Modelling Analysis [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 2015. |
2003 |
Lee KCL. Structural Adaptation of the Mouse Ulna to Mechanical Loading and the Involvement of Estrogen Receptor Α [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 2003. |
1991 |
Minter SL. The Use of in Vitro Techniques to Investigate Cellular Responses to Mechanical Load in Bone [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 1991. |
1993 |
Minter SL. The Use of in Vitro Techniques to Investigate Cellular Responses to Mechanical Load in Bone [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 1993. |
1996 |
Mosley JR. The Influence of Mechanical Load and Oestrogen on the Development of Long-Bone Architecture [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 1996. |
1991 |
Pead MJ. Cellular Control of Bone Architecture in Relation to Mechanical Loading [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 1991. |
2010 |
Prideaux M. Interrogating the Mechanisms Controlling Osteocytogenesis [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 2010. |
1999 |
Rawlinson SCF. Early Loading-Related Responses of Bone Cells [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 1999. |
1989 |
Skerry TM. Load Related Changes in Bone Cells and Matrix [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 1989. |
1993 |
Torrance AG. The Effect of Controlled Mechanical Loading Upon the Development of Longbone Architecture [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 1993. |
2006 |
Weller R. The Influence of Conformation on Locomotor Biomechanics and Its Effect on Performance in the Horse [PhD thesis]. Royal Veterinary College; 2006. |