1964 |
Boyde A. The Structure and Development of Mammalian Enamel [PhD thesis]. London, UK: University of London; June 1964. |
1972 |
Cavanagh PR. Patterns of Muscular Action and Movement Associated With the Range of Speeds Used in Normal Human Locomotion [PhD thesis]. London, UK: University of London; 1972. |
1988 |
Johnstone B. The Structure and Biosynthesis of Human Intervertebral Disc Proteoglycans [PhD thesis]. London, UK: University of London; 1988. |
1979 |
Lee DAH. The Effect of Disease of the Gastrointestinal Tract on the Alimentary Absorbtion of Prednisolone: Pharmacokinetic Studies [MD thesis]. London, UK: University of London; 1979. |
2005 |
Lichtwark G. The Role of Muscle Tendon Unit Elasticity in Real Life Activities [PhD thesis]. London, UK: University of London; 2005. |
2005 |
Offiah A. Optimisation of the Digital Radiographic Imaging of Suspected Non-Accidental Injury [PhD thesis]. London, UK: University of London; March 2005. |
1968 |
Shapiro IM. The Association of Phospholipids With Mineralised Tissues [PhD thesis]. London, UK: University of London; 1968. |