The main objective of the present investigation is to obtain numerical predictions for two-dimensional, confined, low-Mach number recirculating flows involving heat transfer. Attention is focused mainly on the flow downstream of a sudden expansion in a pipe. Such flows are characterized by levels of heat transfer in the neighborhood of the reattachment point several times higher than that for fully developed flows at the same Reynolds number.
A system of modeled transport equations for the Reynolds stresses uiuj and the energy dissipation rate e is proposed. This model is based upon the one point turbulence closure introduced by Launder, Reece & Rodi (1975) and Hanjalic & Launder (1976). Special attention is paid to the modeling of the pressure-strain correlation and the dissipation terms near solid walls. Several coefficients are reevaluated. The generation term of the e equation is revised. The model is tested first in isothermal flows. Transport equations for uiuj, ε and the mean momentum are solved numerically up to the walls using a finite-difference procedure. Predictions obtained with the proposed model are in good agreement with available measurements in recirculating and non-recirculating flows. The influence of the choice of the discretization scheme on the predictions is discussed.
Heat transfer phenomena are predicted using an algebraic stress model for the scalar fluxes uic to close the mean temperature equation. Constant properties are assumed and a single time scale is used in the model. Predictions for the Nusselt number in recirculating and non-recirculating pipe flows are in good agreement with experimental data.