This thesis presents mechanics and dynamics of Low Frequency Vibration Assisted Turning (LFV-T). First, a mechanistic model for analytical cutting force and specific cutting energy prediction is presented. Kinematics of the process is used to analyze the cut surface topography and derive the uncut chip thickness variation for various modulation parameters. It is found that uncut chip thickness is governed by successive spindle rotations and can be represented in the form of trigonometric functions. The cut and no-cut phase durations are controlled by the modulation frequency and amplitude. Cutting (machining) forces are predicted based on the orthogonal cutting mechanics. The thin shear plane angle is predicted considering oscillations in the feed direction, resultant effective rake angle and by employing the well-known Minimum Energy Principle (MEP). In order to accurately predict the shear forces, length of the shear plane is estimated directly from the uncut and cut surface geometries, which incorporates waviness of the surface. Analytical chip thickness predictions and proposed cutting force models are combined to predict the specific cutting energy in LFV-T. Experimental results verify accuracy of the developed force model in estimating cutting forces and energy. Then, generalized uncut chip thickness and regenerative chatter stability prediction is introduced for all LFV-T parameters. Both tool kinematics and undulated surface topography are used to predict the uncut chip thickness for given modulation conditions. Analytical semi-discrete and frequency domain-based solutions are developed to predict stability lobe diagrams (SLD). Predicted stability lobes are validated through both in time-domain simulations and also experimentally from orthogonal cutting tests. It is found that as compared to conventional continuous turning, the LFV assisted “discrete” turning exhibits 3 regeneration loops and, combined with the out-of-cut duration in each spindle revolution, it can deliver up to 2x higher chatter stability to attain greater productivity.