Two-dimensional (2D) nano-materials are finding numerous applications in next generation electronics, consumer goods, energy generation and storage, and healthcare. The rapid rise of utility and applications for 2D nano-materials necessitates developing means for their mass production. Here, we detail a new compressible flow exfoliation (CFE) method for producing 2D nano-materials using a multiphase flow of 2D layered materials suspended in a high pressure gas undergoing expansion. The expanded gas-solid mixture is sprayed in a suitable solvent, where a significant portion (up to 10% yield) of the initial hexagonal boron nitride material is found to be exfoliated with a mean thickness of 4.2 nm. The exfoliation is attributed to the high shear rates (̇γ>10⁵ s⁻¹) generated by supersonic flow of compressible gases inside narrow orifices and converging-diverging channels. This method has significant advantages over current 2D material exfoliation methods, such as chemical intercalation and exfoliation, as well as liquid phase shear exfoliation, with the most obvious benefit being the fast, continuous nature of the process. Another significant advantage of this process is producing low defect layered materials. The existing methods like liquid sonication, shear exfoliation and ball milling processes are aggressive techniques which induce significant amount of defect in the 2D materials structure. In the second part of this work, we proved that the compressible flow exfoliation induces less defect than other popular methods. The existing methods are also highly solvent dependent. In our work, we provided evidence that our process is solvent independent and efficient exfoliation can be achieved in a broader range of solvents. Thus, scaling this process will reduce the cost of exfoliation a lot while maintaining a better fake quality.