2010 |
Vilayphiou N, Boutroy S, Sornay-rendu E, Van rietbergen B, Munoz F, Delmas PD, Chapurlat R. Finite element analysis performed on radius and tibia HR-pQCT images and fragility fractures at all sites in postmenopausal women. Bone. April 2010;46(4):1030-1037. |
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2014 |
Ellouz R, Chapurlat R, van Rietbergen B, Christen P, Pialat J-B, Boutroy S. Challenges in longitudinal measurements with HR-pQCT: evaluation of a 3D registration method to improve bone microarchitecture and strength measurement reproducibility. Bone. June 2014;63:147-157. |
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2020 |
Roux J-P, Boutroy S, Bouxsein ML, Chapurlat R, Wegrzyn J. Local and global microarchitecture is associated with different features of bone biomechanics. Bone Rep. December 1, 2020;13:100716. |
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2007 |
Sornay‐Rendu E, Boutroy S, Munoz F, Delmas PD. Alterations of cortical and trabecular architecture are associated with fractures in postmenopausal women, partially independent of decreased BMD measured by DXA: the OFELY study. J Bone Miner Res. March 2007;22(3):425-433. |
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2008 |
Boutroy S, Van Rietbergen B, Sornay-Rendu E, Munoz F, Bouxsein ML, Delmas PD. Finite element analysis based on in vivo HR-pQCT images of the distal radius is associated with wrist fracture in postmenopausal women. J Bone Miner Res. March 2008;23(3):392-399. |
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2009 |
Sornay-Rendu E, Cabrera-Bravo J-L, Boutroy S, Munoz F, Delmas PD. Severity of vertebral fractures is associated with alterations of cortical architecture in postmenopausal women. J Bone Miner Res. April 2009;24(4):737-743. |
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2010 |
Bacchetta J, Boutroy S, Vilayphiou N, Juillard L, Guebre-Egziabher F, Rognant N, Sornay-Rendu E, Szulc P, Laville M, Delmas PD, Fouque D, Chapurlat R. Early impairment of trabecular microarchitecture assessed with HR-pQCT in patients with stage II-IV chronic kidney disease. J Bone Miner Res. April 2010;25(4):849-857. |
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2010 |
Seeman E, Delmas PD, Hanley DA, Sellmeyer D, Cheung AM, Shane E, Kearns A, Thomas T, Boyd SK, Boutroy S, Bogado C, Majumdar S, Fan M, Libanati C, Zanchetta J. Microarchitectural deterioration of cortical and trabecular bone: differing effects of denosumab and alendronate. J Bone Miner Res. August 2010;25(8):1886-1894. |
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2010 |
Wegrzyn J, Roux J, Arlot ME, Boutroy S, Vilayphiou N, Guyen O, Delmas PD, Chapurlat R, Bouxsein ML. Role of trabecular microarchitecture and its heterogeneity parameters in the mechanical behavior of ex vivo human L3 vertebrae. J Bone Miner Res. November 2010;25(11):2324-2331. |
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2011 |
Vilayphiou N, Boutroy S, Szulc P, van Rietbergen B, Munoz F, Delmas PD, Chapurlat R. Finite element analysis performed on radius and tibia HR‐pQCT images and fragility fractures at all sites in men. J Bone Miner Res. May 2011;26(5):965-973. |
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2011 |
Szulc P, Boutroy S, Vilayphiou N, Chaitou A, Delmas PD, Chapurlat R. Cross-sectional analysis of the association between fragility fractures and bone microarchitecture in older men: the STRAMBO study. J Bone Miner Res. June 2011;26(6):1358-1367. |
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2013 |
Nickolas TL, Stein EM, Dworakowski E, Nishiyama KK, Komandah-Kosseh M, Zhang CA, McMahon DJ, Liu XS, Boutroy S, Cremers S, Shane E. Rapid cortical bone loss in patients with chronic kidney disease. J Bone Miner Res. August 2013;28(8):1811-1820. |
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2016 |
McCloskey EV, Odén A, Harvey NC, Leslie WD, Hans D, Johansson H, Barkmann R, Boutroy S, Brown J, Chapurlat R, Elders PJM, Fujita Y, Glüer C-C, Goltzman D, Iki M, Karlsson M, Kindmark A, Kotowicz M, Kurumatani N, Kwok T, Lamy O, Leung J, Lippuner K, Ljunggren Ö, Lorentzon M, Mellström D, Merlijn T, Oei L, Ohlsson C, Pasco JA, Rivadeneira F, Rosengren B, Sornay-Rendu E, Szulc P, Tamaki J, Kanis JA. A meta-analysis of trabecular bone score in fracture risk prediction and its relationship to FRAX. J Bone Miner Res. May 2016;31(5):940-948. |
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2017 |
Sornay‐Rendu E, Boutroy S, Duboeuf F, Chapurlat RD. Bone microarchitecture assessed by HR‐pQCT as predictor of fracture risk in postmenopausal women: the OFELY study. J Bone Miner Res. June 2017;32(6):1243-1251. |
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2011 |
Hans D, Barthe N, Boutroy S, Pothuaud L, Winzenrieth R, Krieg M-A. Correlations between trabecular bone score, measured using anteroposterior dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry acquisition, and 3-dimensional parameters of bone microarchitecture: an experimental study on human cadaver vertebrae. J Clin Densitom. July 1, 2011;14(3):302-312. |
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2015 |
Silva BC, Broy SB, Boutroy S, Schousboe JT, Shepherd JA, Leslie WD. Fracture risk prediction by non-BMD DXA measures: the 2015 ISCD official positions part 2: trabecular bone score. J Clin Densitom. July–September 2015;18(3):309-330. |
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2005 |
Boutroy S, Bouxsein ML, Munoz F, Delmas PD. In vivo assessment of trabecular bone microarchitecture by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. December 2005;90(12):6508-6515. |
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2014 |
Christen P, Ito K, Ellouz R, Boutroy S, Sornay-Rendu E, Chapurlat RD, van Rietbergen B. Bone remodelling in humans is load-driven but not lazy. Nat Commun. September 2014;5:4855. |
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2012 |
Rizzoli R, Chapurlat RD, Laroche J-M, Krieg MA, Thomas T, Frieling I, Boutroy S, Laib A, Bock O, Felsenberg D. Effects of strontium ranelate and alendronate on bone microstructure in women with osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int. January 2012;23(1):305-315. |
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