The current study aimed to characterize the structural responses of the thorax during compressive loading conditions to aid interpret the behavior of the thorax during more complex loading conditions or validate computational THOR dummy models. A series of quasi-static compression tests were performed for individual ribs and the thorax complex using two types of indenters. For a rib compression test, an indenter with a 10 mm diameter was used to load the end of a rib. This indenter was installed on a linear guide array to minimize the application of shear forces to the dummy. The influence of the thoracic bib was investigated by performing this test with and without the bib. The displacements of the other ribs were measured using a three-dimensional motion tracking system. Another 52 mm by 104 mm indenter was used to apply more belt-like loading to the loading site. From these two series of tests, stiffness was calculated using the applied force at 25.4 mm of compression. In addition, compliances of the four thoracic IR-TRACC sites (rib 3 and 6) were calculated using the applied force at 25.4 mm of compression and deflection of the IR-TRACCs. During the rib compression test without the bib, the 7th rib exhibited the highest stiffness (2.3 N/mm) while the stiffness of other ribs ranged from 0.8 to 1.5 N/mm. During the rib compression test with bib, the 1st rib region demonstrated the highest stiffness (17 N/mm), while the stiffness of other regions ranged from 6.8 to 11.3 N/mm. The bib increased the rib stiffness substantially, and its effect was the highest for the 1st rib region. The compliance results indicated that the IR-TRACC deflection is mainly influenced by the forces applied to the ribs that the IR-TRACC was installed and their adjacent ribs, e.g. rib 2 and 4 for the upper thoracic IR-TRACC, on the same side. The thoracic responses of the THOR-M50 obtained from the current study can be utilized in model validation and interpretation of the response of the thorax during more complicated loading conditions such as crash test.