Work with vibrating tools is common in many industries. Exposure to hand-arm vibrations is associated with a risk of hand injury in the form of: Vascular disorders, nerve malfunction, and effects on the musculoskeletal system. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of hand-arm vibration symptoms among employees at a mechanical company, as well as to follow-up with patients presenting symptoms and evaluate the effects of certain proposed measures. We found that 21% of the employees were judged to have vibration-related problems even though the exposure to vibrations was judged to be relatively low. There seems to be an over-representation of Carpal tunnel syndrome among participants; this may suggest that ergonomic conditions at the investigated company, such as grinding with flexed wrists, are unfavorable.
Relevance to industry: Regular screening for early signs of vibration-related damage, even if workers are subject to only moderate vibration exposure, is an important part of preventing the aggravation of health problems.