A comparative study of 174 homicidal and 105 suicidal sharp force deaths in the Stockholm area is presented in order to identify variables of importance in the differentiation between homicides and suicides. In homicides, a significantly (p<0.05) higher number of cut and stab wounds were seen in the head, upper and lower extremities and a significantly higher number of vertical stab wounds were found in the chest. Lower numbers were seen in the wrist and the crook of the arm. When counting the injured areas, irrespective of the number of injuries, abdominal wounds and horizontal chest stab wounds were also significantly more often found in victims of homicide. Injuries to the back and to the genitals were not seen in suicides. The suicide victims were significantly older and had significantly lower blood alcohol levels. A new variable pointing at a statistically significant difference between homicides and suicides was found: In homicides, stab wounds with a horizontal axis of entrance wound in the chest was found to be less common than those with a vertical axis. Other variables studied were prevalence of defence and tentative wounds, farewell notes and suicidal ideation, earlier parasuicides, venue, gender of the victims and the types of sharp objects used.
Forensic science; Homicide; Suicide; Epidemiology; Forensic medicine; Sharp force injuries; Univariate statistical comparison