LiDAR is an instrumental component of the sensor fusion system required for advanced collision avoidance, automatic emergency braking, and autonomous driving. This conference proceeding describes a solid-state LiDAR system that utilizes liquid crystal technology to closely replicate the human driver’s eyes without blind spots. The electro-optic (EO) beam steerer operates with a laser wavelength around 1550 nm, which enables high intensity light pulses while maintaining eye-safety. This system provides continuous scanning at 0.1° angular resolution at long range. Unlike other technologies, this technique is purely refractive. It can employ foveated vision, and thus closely mimic the human eye. It can utilize “track and hold” onto one or more distinct moving objects and can dynamically adjust what objects to track in addition to how big a scene to take at low resolution and what area(s) to take at high resolution. This flexibility enables the laser to scan in a pattern that maximizes the utility of the information. Our first proof of concept demonstration has range beyond 200m and a dynamic field-of-view (FOV) up to 20° x 2.5°.