To obtain human emotional response such as unpleasant and intolerable for sinu-soidal vibrations in the short-time exposure within 10 min, ten male subjects were vibrated from low to high levels at 6 grades (difference of each grade; 5 dB) during 3 min for each. The subjects were requested to describe the emotional judgment to the given vibration at each step, unpleasant or intolerable or not. These results were plotted on an ogive by each frequency, and tolerance limit and unpleasant levels were defined at 50% point on them. The frequency characteristics of the emotional response for the whole body vibrations in vertical and horizontal directions and for the hand vibrations were almost similar to Fig. 13 in Part 1 and Fig. 5 in Part 3 respectively. This tendency did not vary in the range of the exposure time between 1 and 10 min. Moreover, on the whole body and the hand vibrations, an estimation equation for the criterion of long exposure time was also discussed.