The effects of push force on the apparent mass of the hand, the transmissibility of glove materials to the hand, and the dynamic stiffness of glove materials and have been measured in the laboratory. The material transmissibility was then compared with predictions of the transmissibility derived from the measured apparent mass of the hand and the measured dynamic stiffness of the material. The study was performed with three materials taken from current gloves: material 1 was a layer of gel inside two layers of foam, material 2 was a gel, material 3 was densely packed foam. The apparent masses, transmissibilities and dynamic stiffnesses were determined as a function of vibration frequency over the range 5 to 500 Hz with preload forces of 10, 20 and 40 N. The apparent masses and transmissibilities were obtained with 12 male subjects. A simple impedance model of the material-hand dynamic system was then used to predict the transmissibility of each material for each force and each subject. The simple model was found to provide reasonable predictions of the effect of force on material transmissibility over the frequency range 5 to 500 Hz.