In order to accurately simulate the dynamics of the head and neck in impact and acceleration environments, valid mass properties data for the human head must exist. The mechanical techniques used to measure the mass properties of segmented cadaveric and manikin heads cannot be used on live human subjects. Recent advancements in medical imaging allow for three-dimensional representation of all tissue components of the living and cadaveric human head that can be used to calculate mass properties. A comparison was conducted between the measured mass properties and those calculated from medical images for 15 human cadaveric heads in order to validate this new method. Specimens for this study included seven female and eight male, unembalmed human cadaveric heads (ages 16 to 97; mean = 59±22). Specimen weight, center of gravity (CG), and principal moments of inertia (MOI) were mechanically measured (Baughn et al., 1995, Self et al., 1992). These mass properties were also calculated from computerized tomography (CT) data. The CT scan data were segmented into three tissue types - brain, bone, and skin. Specific gravity was assigned to each tissue type based on values from the literature (Clauser et al., 1969). Through analysis of the binary volumetric data, the weight, CG, and MOIs were determined. The medical image data compared with the mechanically measured data resulted in the following errors: 0.4% to 6% (mean = 2.8%) for weight, 0.01 cm to 0.34 cm (mean = 0.1 cm) for the CG, 0.1% to 10.4% (mean = 5.2%) for the MOIs. Medical image calculations for weight had significant (p = 0.0074) positive bias, as they did for two of the three MOIs (Ixx: p = 0.0074, Iyy: p = 0.0010). Medical imaging analysis proved to be a valid and accurate noninvasive method to calculate human head mass properties.