CrashStar was developed to overcome the difficulties of post-processing chestband data from post-mortem human subject (PMHS) side impact tests. The three main objectives of CrashStar were to design a software package that utilizes a single anchor point to better model a side impact, generate two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) graphical representations to visualize data as the torso deforms over time, and write the code in a user-friendly interface that allows the user to make improvements as sensor technology changes or more accurate algorithms are defined. Before CrashStar was developed, chestband data was post-processed in RBandPC to understand the torso deformation from frontal impact testing. The RBandPC code reconstructed the two-dimensional cross-sectional profile obtained from the chestband and reported the torso deformation over time based on two anchor points: one at the sternum and one at the spine. Although this software is useful for frontal impact scenarios, it does not allow for side impact analysis capabilities. To overcome these obstacles, CrashStar is written using MATLAB code and only requires one anchor point to calculate the x-, y- and z-axis coordinates of each strain gage location over time. In combination with 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF) instrumentation, CrashStar can generate a two-dimensional or three- dimensional graphical animation of chestband deformation, translation and rotation during side impact testing and the output data can be further analyzed to calculate deformation, displacement and compression of the torso. To improve the chestband contour accuracy produced in CrashStar, a sensitivity calibration procedure was developed and a gage sensitivity program was written to include the sensitivity of each gage. The gage sensitivities were used as CrashStar input and the two-dimensional chestband contour accuracy was confirmed using foam shapes of known geometries. The two-dimensional CrashStar contour accuracy was also validated using motion analysis and a 59-gage chestband wrapped around a side impact dummy (SID) abdomen during a lateral impact. Finally, the 40-gage chestband was wrapped around the thorax of a PMHS during an oblique impact test at 4.5 m/s. The PMHS had two instrumentation measurement units (IMUs) consisting of three accelerometers and three angular rate sensors on the sternum and spine. Combining the chestband data with the IMUs allowed for a three-dimensional CrashStar analysis of the cadaveric thorax motion over time. In summary, the results of the static tests and dynamic applications indicate that CrashStar is a useful tool for post-processing chestband data from lateral and oblique impact testing. Overall, CrashStar should improve our understanding of thoracic deformation which will aid in our understanding of injury thresholds for lateral and oblique impacts.