Road Traffic Accidents have reached an alarming rate in Nigeria. There is an accident every ten minutes, one person is killed every hour and four persons injured every sixty minutes.
In 1970, 155,300 vehicles were registered, and by 1976 the number had reached 300,100 for that year. The oil boom had contributed to the phenomenal rise in the number of motorcyclists. Recognising the gravity of the situation, new roads are being constructed and safety campaigns launched in various parts of the country.
Details of injuries sustained by victims of road traffic accidents treated at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital were recorded and analysed. The Hospital treats over 5,000 victims of road traffic accidents every year.
Brachial plexus lesion (2%) is rising amongst motorcyclists. Fractures of the lower limbs (30%) are very common and fast overtaking serious head injuries. Reduction of surrounding temperature aids recovery of unconscious head injuries.
Infants (2%) were also involved in road traffic accidents as a number of mothers carry their offsprings on their backs.
Hunger is one of the main causes of accidents among commercial drivers.