An elasto-dynamic model of the human spine which includes an accurate three-dimensional geometry of vertebra together with ligaments and muscles which are biomechanically represented by non-linear springs and dampers is developed.
With use of the Differential Displacement Matrix the model leads to nonlinear differential equations which are then solved for the continuous simulation. A detailed analysis of the modelling and cbmputation is carried out on the cervical spine including 126 cervical ligaments and eight spinal disc elements. In the computer program a subroutine is included such that each disc performs as the real available experimental data of the disc. Actual computation is carried out by dual CDC 6400 and then graphically represented by an interactive graphic terminal. This is to develop and advance an accurate model along with the computational techniques of the spinal simulation for a detailed and localized study of process of injury on the spine under impact situation.
The results so far are very encouraging mainly due to success in the use of the differential displacement matrix to rhe better formulation of the differential equations and success in the simulation with continuous numerical convergencies obtained.