1982 |
Liu YK, Krieger KW, Njus G, Ueno K, Connors M, Wakano K, Thies D. Cervical Spine Stiffness and Geometry of the Young Human Male. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio: Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory; November 1982. Report No. AFAMRL-TR-80-138. |
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1973 |
Liu YK, Wickstrom JK. Estimation of the inertial property distribution of the human torso from segmented cadaveric data. In: Kenedi RM, ed. Perspectives in Biomedical Engineering: Proceedings of a Symposium Organised in Association With the Biological Engineering Society and Held in the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, June 1972. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press; 1973:203-213. |
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1992 |
Liu YK, Yoganandan N, Pintar F, Winterbottom J, Sances A Jr. Biomechanics of wheel-roll injuries: an in situ porcine study. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symposium. April 10-11, 1992; Detroit, MI.107-114. |
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1973 |
Liu YK, von Rosenberg DU. An one-dimensional continuum model of direct closed head impact. In: Proceedings of the 1973 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. June 26-27, 1973; Amsterdam, The Netherlands.285-291. |
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1971 |
Orne D, Liu YK. A mathematical model of spinal response to impact. J Biomech. 1971;4(1):49-71. |
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1988 |
Goel VK, Clark CR, Gallaes K, Liu YK. Moment-rotation relationships of the ligamentous occipito-atlanto-axial complex. J Biomech. 1988;21(8):673-680. |
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2006 |
Yoganandan N, Zhang J, Pintar FA, Liu YK. Lightweight low-profile nine-accelerometer package to obtain head angular accelerations in short-duration impacts. J Biomech. 2006;39(7):1347-1354. |
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1987 |
Ueno K, Liu YK. A three-dimenstional nonlinear finite element model of lumbar intervertebral joint in torsion. J Biomech Eng. August 1987;109(3):200-209. |
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1989 |
Liu YK, Dai QG. The second stiffest axis of a beam-column: implications for cervical spine trauma. J Biomech Eng. May 1989;111(2):122-127. |
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1984 |
Njus GO, Liu YK, Nye TA. The inertial and geometrical properties of helmets. Med Sci Sports Exer. October 1984;16(5):498-505. |
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