As Emergency Medical Services develops as a total system, educational institutions are becoming aware of their obligation to train individuals for positions within the system. The first individual that needed to be trained was obviously, the ambulance attendant, both basic and advanced. The second which now needs to be trained is the EMS Administrator. At present, no baccalaureate program exists in the United States to train these personnel. Two such programs are developing.
One is at the University of Kansas and the other in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Since most other EMS adminisrative baccalaureate degree programs will, to a certain extent, pattern themselves after the initial two, it is very important that these two are as close to perfect as possible. Therefore, the curriculum for the baccalaureate program at the University of Kansas Medical Center will be presented with the specific idea and request that the Association members comment either during the question-answer period, afterwards in conversation, or by written communication as to improvements that should be made. We would like to bring in new ideas for objectives which might not have been covered in the initial preparation of the curriculum and its objectives.
It is our opinion that the Association not only should have insight into what is developing in education of medical personnel involved in automotive medicine, but should also have input into their education in this formative stage