This paper presents the preliminary results and research methodology of an in-depth study examining vehicle factors in crashes in New South Wales, Australia. Previous research projects have reported that defects are a primary causal factor in approximately 4% of crashes and may contribute to 13% and 24% of all crashes.
The Crashed Vehicle Study will examine the presence of defects and their role in crash causation and severity. 5000 vehicles from all categories will be examined. A comprehensive on scene and follow-up examination is undertaken of all vehicles involved in the crash. Examinations are conducted to specified guidelines to provide a consistent and objective approach to data recording and analysis.
Vehicle inspectors record all major and minor vehicle faults, and wherever possible objectively measure these faults. Faults will be analysed in terms of vehicle category, rural verses. urban, and component areas (i.e. steering, brakes, vision, etc).
Results to date are discussed in terms of comparison to crash statistics and achievement rates.