2020 |
Barnes DR, Loftis KL, Ott KA, Demetropoulos CK. Influence of pelvis acceleration on spinal fracture in high-rate vertical loading. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury. 2020; Munich, Germany.829-830. |
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2014 |
Osbahr DC, O’Loughlin PF, Drakos MC, Barnes RP, Kennedy JG, Warren RF. Midfoot sprains in the National Football League. Am J Orthop (Belle Meade, NJ). December 2014;43(12):557-561. |
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1990 |
Rodeo SA, O'Brien S, Warren RF, Barnes R, Wickiewicz TL, Dillingham MF. Turf-toe: an analysis of metatarsophalangeal joint sprains in professional football players. Am J Sports Med. 1990;18(3):280-285. |
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2008 |
Feeley BT, Kennelly S, Barnes RP, Muller MS, Kelly BT, Rodeo SA, Warren RF. Epidemiology of National Football League training camp injuries from 1998 to 2007. Am J Sports Med. August 2008;36(8):1597-1603. |
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2010 |
Paxton ES, Moorman CT, Chehab EL, Barnes RP, Warren RF, Brophy RH. Effect of hyperconcavity of the lumbar vertebral endplates on the playing careers of professional american football linemen. Am J Sports Med. November 2010;38(11):2255-2258. |
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1993 |
Rodeo SA, Warren RF, O'Brien SJ, Pavlov H, Barnes R, Hanks GA. Diastasis of bipartite sesamoids of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Foot Ankle. 1993;14(8):425-434. |
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1995 |
Veltri DM, Pagnani MJ, O'Brien SJ, Warren RF, Ryan MD, Barnes RP. Symptomatic ossification of the tibiofibular syndesmosis in professional football players: a sequela of the syndesmotic ankle sprain. Foot Ankle Int. May 1995;16(5):285-290. |
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2009 |
Brophy RH, Gamradt SC, Ellis SJ, Barnes RP, Rodeo SA, Warren RF, Hillstrom H. Effect of turf toe on foot contact pressures in professional American football players. Foot Ankle Int. May 2009;30(5):405-409. |
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2007 |
Brophy R, Barnes R, Rodeo S, Warren R. Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders at the NFL Combine: trends from 1987 to 2000. Med Sci Sports Exer. January 2007;39(1):22-27. |
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2017 |
Werner BC, Mack C, Franke K, Barnes RP, Warren RF, Rodeo SA. Distal fibula fractures in Nnational Football KLeague athletes. Orthop J Sports Med. September 8, 2017;5(9):2325967117726515. |
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1989 |
Rodeo SA, O'Brien SJ, Warren RF, Barnes R, Wickiewicz TL. Turf toe: diagnosis and treatment. Phys Sportsmed. 1989;17(4):132-147. |
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