A structural and kinematic evaluation of a representative mid-size sedan subjected to lateral impacts with various crash partners is described. A detailed evaluation of the exterior crush, interior intrusion, and vehicle motion is provided using measurements and data from computational simulation. The mid-size sedan is struck by partner vehicles that cover a range of vehicle sizes common in the US fleet. These include a side impact with a small car, a mid-size car, a LTV, and a MDB. Specific focus on the rear seating row is included to develop impact data that will help to describe the crash environment for rear seated child occupants.
This portion of the project builds upon previous work that has examined mid-size sedans involved in real world side impacts and those tested in lateral impacts with regulatory and consumer metric test conditions. The long term goal of this project series is to create a detailed understanding of children involved in side impacts. This report provides insight into the range of possible intrusion patterns for various impact partners that may contact a rear seated child occupant. Future evaluations will then utilize this data to understand the sensitivity of injury for restrained children exposed to these crash conditions.