The protection of children in traffic, especially in cars, is one of the most important tasks facing our society. Children in cars are dependent on the assistance of their parents to provide them with adequate protection through the use of child restraint systems (CRS). Good advice to parents on how to use and fit CRS properly and which CRS offers the best protection are essential.
In Europe, due to the use of differing assessment criteria and rating schemes, the information provided to parents has been very confusing to date. Since there are still major differences in CRS use within EU member states, increased consumer information is a predominant European task.
The largest single advantage gained from this EU project “New Program for the Assessment of Child Restraint Systems” is that all members of the NPACS Project, representing the Governments of four European countries, research institutes, ICRT European consumer organizations and FIA automobile clubs, have cooperated to develop a scientifically based EU-wide harmonised test program and rating procedure. This program covers advanced test criteria in frontal and side impact, as well as comprehensive usability tests to reduce the potential for CRS misuse; misuse has been the predominant problem with CRS use for years. In addition, the NPACS procedure has not only been developed as to help parents and other purchasers of CRS, but also to encourage child seat manufacturers with their current and future designs, encourage new technologies to be brought to the market and to reduce the potential for misuse of their products.