The project VIIS (Vehicle Infrastructure Interaction Simulation), an actual research project which was started in January 2008 has the aim to build up on the MARVin (Model for Assessing Risks of Road Infrastructure; Paper of the 20th ESV) outcomes. The idea is to develop a combined simulation system, including all kinds of RoadSTAR data (Road Surface Tester of arsenal research; road condition and trace geometry) to verify crash causal combinations.
The MARVin software tool has been upgraded with traffic density data to get some more comparable and significant results. The crash causations regarding to poor surface characteristics or in-harmonic road geometry can be identified with a higher probability.
The main work is to integrate all relevant RoadSTAR parameters in a simulation software tool. In a beginning procedure a integration in the software PC Crash shows some positive results. The challenge will be to bring the skid resistance values as DXF data in a high density on the virtual route.
Virtual road sections can be designed with real measured data. Crash reconstructions and crash causal combinations (MARVin) are feasible. All kinds of vehicle dynamic data, which can be also logged in the CAN bus system, can be simulated and recalculated. The vehicle infrastructure interaction (road/tyre, suspension/tyre) in a crash situation leads to possible accident compensation measures like new in-vehicle sensors, innovative active safety systems, real time accident risk assessment, interactive road condition maps, etc.
The key point for the future of traffic safety issues are to verify MARVin results with vehicleinfrastructure simulations and to derive preventative measures either on the construction side or in the in-vehicle safety applications. Visions are to combine theoretical accidentology with practical preventative solutions. Policy, vehicle manufacturer, road operators and map providers can have a benefit resulting from this research.