Existing driving behaviour models have a strong emphasis on the driver’s cognitive components including aspects such as motivation, risk assessment, attention, compensation, capability, workload, individual traits and experience. Each existing model was designed specifically for a particular driving situation such as speeding or fatigue. A general and comprehensive model is still unavailable despite 60 years of research on the topic. No consensus has been reached mainly due to the inability to generalize, operationalise and validate these subjective cognitive models in real driving conditions. This paper defines a framework for a new context aware driving behaviour model capable of predicting driver’s behaviour. This approach broadens the cognitive focus of existing driving behaviour models to integrate contextual information related to the vehicle, environment, driver and the interactions between them. The theoretical model is an information processing, probalistic based model. Context awareness concepts from the Ubiquitous Computing research community are integrated into the model. Such integration improves the descriptive power and generalisability of our driving behaviour model.