It is necessary to retrofit the vehicles and road infrastructure with the devices of indirect visibility. For the purpose of the tests, a mathematical model of the tests’ subject was created, which was used to write the analytical computer program for the PC class computer. The mathematical model of the visual image transfer from the vehicle’s surroundings transmitted by the mirrors encompasses: driver’s eyes represented by the ocular points placed in the three-dimensional, rectangular left-handed, Cartesian system, the vehicle’s block, described in this system by the clear and opaque surfaces; mirrors of the known features, mounted on the vehicle’s block; the space surrounding the vehicle placed on the horizontal surface. This mathematical model was used to create the calculation program in the C++ programming language and using the Open GL library, working under the Microsoft Windows operating system. In the specific range of values it is possible to increase or decrease the size of the presented object – it helps to see the details, to change the direction of the observations. The operating program relies on an input of such quantities as width of the vehicle, location and extent of the transparent elements. The location of ocular points, and regions which driver should observe, in respect to the vehicle are also set. The results of the program calculations are presented graphically as the virtual picture of reality on the computer monitor. Apart from that, the program presents in the tabular form, values of coordinates of the points on the planes Oxy and O’yz, calculated for the given step, and for accepted parameters. Additionally there is a possibility to draw the regions covered by the eyesight. The created model of the visual transfer from the vehicle’s surroundings, transmitted by the mirror enables to conduct the virtual tests of the real objects. The necessary data such as: position of ocular points in the real vehicle, the location of the mirrors and their features, width of the vehicle must be measured in the vehicle and introduced into the program.
mathematical model; indirect visibility; safety