In this report are presented results of research concerning widespread and spacing zones around the vehicle (truck categories: N1, N2, N3, i.e. small, medium and heavy) that are visual field of a driver and are bounded by a cabin construction with its equipment. Research method described in UN ECE Regulation No. 46 referring to assessment of provision of visibility by vehicle’s mirrors was used in discussed research.
Performed analysis is due to critical situations for tested vehicle. Example analysis was placed on extended intersections with left turn, angular crosscut intersections and on angular railway crossing. A discussed example pointed out that driver has no possibility to observe zones of road, which are crucial for a safe movement of a vehicle. Analysis was performed for vehicles being currently in use and meet current regulations and also more strict regulations, which will be in force due to new European requirements.
For vehicles equipped in accordance to mandatory requirements author pointed out that one of possible direction of decreasing risk of a collision or an accident is to decrease limits in visual transfer of driver – vehicle – surrounding system. It is necessary to consider some modifications of construction and also form of surrounding due to some vehicle and driver constraints.
Regulations compulsory up to now were stringent enough. Complete equipment of vehicles referring to observation possibility were much more lean. Zones that driver can observe in older vehicles are distinctly smaller so threats in older vehicles are much more evident.
This report presents propositions of extending possible observation zones. Also it presents results of investigations for estimation of extended observation zones and of their arrangement after proposed changes in vehicles of different categories. Proposed modifications for in use vehicles and for requirements of vehicle type approval are very basic as a first step.