Introduction: Despite significant reductions, the number of injuries and fatalities in mining remains high. A persistent area of concern continues to be equipment-related incidents.
Method: Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and Current Population Survey (CPS) data were used to examine equipment-related injuries over the period 1995–2004. Incidents were reviewed to determine which types of mining equipment were most often involved and to identify and characterize trends.
Results: Non-powered hand tools was the equipment category most often involved with non-fatal injuries while off-road ore haulage was the most common source of fatalities.
Summary: Younger employees had an elevated risk of injury while workers & gt; 55 years had an elevated risk for fatality. A large majority of incidents involve workers with & lt; 5 years experience.
Impact on Industry: Results should increase hazard awareness and enable mine management to select and prioritize problem areas and safety system weaknesses in both underground and surface mining.