Objectives of the study : test out the possibilities to simulate the lift-up of tires on cornering maneuvers on various vehicles with rollover propensities. This simulation is to be validated for different speeds and different payloads and center of gravity heights.
Context : in Europe, roundabouts are more and more built in place of traditional crossings, giving an important reduction of fatalities ; although few cases of heavy vehicles rollover have been recorded, in spite of low velocity, due to the geometric features. This study is a contribution to the comprehension of this kind of accidents.
Ground test validation : A heavy truck of 10-tons payload was chosen, and instrumented with different sensors, and for safety reasons, equipped with stabilizers. The vehicle the dynamic parameters of the input vehicle file of the simulating model were adjusted on basis of elementary longitudinal and transversal ground tests. The model used is a French society SERACD package called PROSPER V4, which was proved to give accurate predictions, even in strong inputs [1,2]
Two different trajectories were chosen: a circle and a roundabout trajectory rebuilt on the test track. Test parameters were different speeds and load cases, with changing center of gravity height. Measurements, digital video and GPS-trajectory were CD-recorded : from these data, the location of the beginning of wheel lift-up was precisely determined. This information was compared to the simulation. This is considered to be the main validation criteria.
Synthesis : this study was the first step of the validation process. The next steps will include other rollover prone vehicles. The package will be then used as a tool to define safety load conditions and to determine rollover stability limits ; these information would be brought to driver’s attention.