Osteoarticular allografts are commonly used in the treatment of segmental bone loss due to a wide resection of tumour. While the use of such grafts has met with considerable clinical success, fractures are a recognized complication of allograft use. Although trabecular bone can play an important structural role in the function of segmental allografts, few data exist on the effects of common storage and sterilization procedures on the mechanical properties of trabecular bone. To this end, we investigated with these experiments the effects of freezing at −20 °C, freezing at −70 °C, eight freeze-thaw cycles at −20 °C, freeze-drying, boiling and autoclaving on the compressive modulus and strength of bovine trabecular bone. Of these treatments, boiling and autoclaving were the only treatments to alter the properties of bovine trabecular bone, resulting in 26 and 58% reductions in strength, respectively. Autoclaving also significantly reduced the compressive modulus by 59%. From these data, freezing at temperatures between −20 and −70 °C does not appear to compromise the structural integrity of trabecular bone.
Trabecular bone; freezing; sterilization; allografts